2. You can pay a production company to produce (and often distribute) your audiobook.

  • You will pay by the finished hour (PFH) for the final product; special needs (multiple narrators, for example) may cost a little bit more.

  • You may get to choose your narrator(s) (You could ask for me!).

  • Some have programs in place to help with marketing the audiobook once it is released (worth researching and asking about, for sure).

  • Some are limited in the number of productions they do each year; others are quite extensive.

  • Suitable for projects needing multiple narrators.

  • Companies that offer this service include Blackstone, Pink Flamingo Productions, Audiobook Empire, Cat’s Meow Productions, Spoken Realms, Bee Audio, Elgin, and Deyan. (These last three do not do distribution, but you could certainly have them produce your audiobook, then distribute via one of the companies in Option 3.)